Saturday morning started off with long run with good friends in the most humid weather you can imagine. This was quickly followed by the world’s longest nap, which is only notable because I was wearing my birthday present:
Lululemon Organic Cotton Pants, which, ok, I KNOW it’s ridiculous to spend that kind of money on glorified sweatpants (and seriously: what the hell IS organic cotton? No, really: what?), BUT, all of that being said: Damn, I really like some good sweatpants, and DAMN are these good sweatpants. Don’t judge me till you’ve tried them, mmmkay?
Saturday was awesome and overcast and rainy and I LOVE a rainy day, I love looking at my window to misty weather; it was a great cozy morning and afternoon, complete with post-long run exhaustion. Love.
Unfortunately, a car accident (not my car, I’m Ok, just a little sore) that I was in last week has had an effect on
my back, and that combined with the long run meant I wasn’t able to do the Reston Century Bike ride I hadsigned up for with my friend Karen. Big bummer, as the one thing I really truly miss about IM training is getting to spend a beautiful day on a bike with friends. The Boss and I rallied by taking MooseTheDog down to Quantico where he could run off leash to his little heart’s content. I feel such huge city living guilt when I see how happy he is blazing through the woods, and it (almost) makes me want to run away to the mountains and never come back.
Sunday night brought Book Club at the Mills, complete with fresh Maryland Crabs (and a lesson from our native Marylander Dave on how to eat them) and a discussion about how much we all hated everyone in “The Ten Year Nap.” We realized that our book club has been meeting monthly for the past two years, and in that time there have been marriages, babies, job changes, basic life goings on that seem remarkable when added up but seem commonplace while occurring…just the standard stuff of life moving forward. Now that my friends have
started having kids, I have a new found appreciation for the fact that this past spring, my mom’s book club threw me a bridal shower. I didn’t know the women very well, but they all know my mom and through her they all wanted to celebrate with me. I get that now; I feel a strong sense of … ownership, almost, for these babies. Sure, they might not know me or remember me, but I knew their moms before they were “Moms”, and I get to see how much it mean to have them in this world, and every milestone they hit will be special to me for how it affects my friends. It makes me smile to think that someday MY book club will be throwing wedding showers for our kids. Well, smile and shiver, because…damn.
The Boss and I concluded Sunday night with a watching of Gran Torino, a movie we’ve had queued up for about two weeks and hadn’t gotten a chance to watch. Clint Eastwood continues to be a total bad ass, and, while it was a slight downer of a movie, nothing bad happens to the Dog, so the Boss and I considered it a success. A great way to end a weekend, curled up on the couch where The Boss proposed, MooseTheDog at our feet, cozy and secure in our home and our thoughts. If I could TiVo this weekend and bloopBLOOP it over and over, I would.
oooh, i love good sweats too. thanks for the rec!
want to head to the mountains. Follow me!!
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