Monday, September 22, 2008


I got a text this morning from my brother, saying "Why didn't you tell me you had a blog?? I thought we were friends!!!"

Indeed. I am fully embarrassed that he found my blog without my pointing it to him. See, I started this blog because I realized that in the course of Ironman training, I've stopped reading newspaper, books, watching news, or talking to people about anything except training. While browsing at Barnes and Noble with a friend, I commented that "I think I intellectually peaked in college," and part of me believes that is true. I just don't take the time to read new things, digest information, and engage in conversation about ideas that aren't related to work and training. I've feel like I've become your stereotypical dumb jock.

Well, when I started this blog, I wasn't sure what I would do with it (if anything), so I didn't really tell anyone about it. Maybe I was a little scared that I didn't have anything to offer. Of course, that hasn't stopped anyone else from blogging, so I don't know why it would stop me...

Anyway, when you sign in to Blogger to comment on someone's blog, it "outs" you for having a blog. And thus my brother's text to me this morning.

So here I am, outed. I suppose it's time to start posting more than once a month.

1 comment:

cicadalady said...

oooh, i am totally to blame for outing you to mike. i mentioned something about you writing a blog and he was like, "my sister doesn't have a blog". oops!